The Footprints of Kindness

Not a Single Little Foot Deserves to Walk Barefoot

The shoe has always been considered as a symbol of remembrance. Many people all around the world walk barefoot not by their choice but simply due to a lack of resources as they can’t afford to buy shoes. Donating shoes to the deprived ones is a community service and thus, we should be part of the life-changing solution to the poor people by donating a pair of shoes to them.

Times have changed and it has transformed everything around us, for the good and even for the worse. Due to the growing disparity, people are often reluctant to help others. Merely donating large amounts of money in the name of Charity is not enough. Charity is meaningful in the real sense when it is done with the feeling of empathy. The word ‘charity’ needs to be replaced with the word ‘giving back to community’.

shoe distribution drive

Why should We Share?

We are living in a world where resources are not distributed in an equitable manner. And with the passage of time, these disparities are only growing. There are millions of people who don’t even have access to the necessities of life. As responsible human beings, the ones who are able to help should take care of those who are less fortunate to maintain a balance. Charity not only helps those in need, but it also builds the self-esteem and self-confidence of the one who is helping. Just by donating the essentials of life, we can bring smiles and moments of happiness to someone’s life.

Importance of Shoe Donation

For protection against various adversities of the environment, a pair of shoes is a necessity. Shoes not only serve ease of movement but also prevent injuries. In a country like India, several people are living below the poverty line, and they are forced to walk barefoot on the streets. As per medical opinion, shoes prevent harmful parasites transmitted through the soil which carry diseases like podoconiosis, schistosomiasis and hookworm infection. More than 2 million people are infected with soil transmitted diseases.

It is a common sight to see children walking without slippers or shoes on roads and streets. Many kids end up with diseases that are fatal or seriously threaten their health. This is because of a disease or fungus infection they pick up while walking barefoot. Providing shoes for needy children is an effective way to provide protection to their feet and instill a sense of hope.

Due to poverty, millions of children walk barefoot on streets and on the roads. This results in severe health problems & pain. Therefore, Lovely Foundation thought that it wouldn’t be less than a blessing for such children to have a pair of shoes that can save their little feet from injuries. For this purpose, we carried Shoe Distribution Drive in the slum area near Sector 38 Chandigarh.

We are grateful that our initiative was very successful, and we feel privileged to be a part of such a noble cause. Nothing can be compared to the contentment we felt seeing those beautiful little smiles. It was more than just a shoe distribution drive for us. We got a golden opportunity to interact with such innovative minds who shared their vibrant energies with us. We hope we were able to add value to their lives.